📢 Privacy Policy

If you continue to use our site, you agree to our terms of use. We are committed to compliance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the requirements of the GDPR have become an integral part of these terms of use. When using our website, We collect and store your personal information. These terms of use explain how we collectanduse your personal data. If you have any questions or require clarification regarding the use of your personal data, please contact us using the contact form.

Cookies are stored in your browser to personalize your experience on the site. By accepting the cookie policy, you agree to the use of cookies. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to provide error reports, arising when using our website.

Personal data
Personal information that we collect during your visit to the site may include name, email address, phone number and IP address . We collect this information only when when you make a purchase on the site and we require this information to identify and register you as a customer, confirm your purchase, and contact you about our products or to respond to your inquiries. Your phone number may be used to contact you to confirm your purchase if you are unable to confirm your purchase via email. We donotshare this information with third parties, and you can rest assured that this information is stored securely.

Your location
When you use our site, we may use your IP address to determine your location. Information about your location will help us personalize your experience while on the site and using certain modules of the site, for example, searching for advertisements on a map. Your location will help us show relevant ads near your location. We also use your location to display targeted Google ads and banners.

Your credit card information
When making a purchase on our website, you enter your credit card information or your PayPal address to complete the purchasing process. Given the fact that the entire payment process is processed by payment processors, we do not store your credit card information and do not have access to payment information at any stage of the purchase process.

System notifications
By using our site, you consent to receive system notifications to your email address. Notifications may contain information about the added ad, a warning that the ad is about to expire and will be removed from the site if you do not update it, as well as other types of notifications related to the operation of the site. System notifications serve as reminders or useful tips to enhance your experience on the site. You cannot unsubscribe from system notifications and the only way to stop receiving them is to delete your account on our site.

User Agreement


This site is presented as a message board intended only for persons over 18 years of age. All advertising publications are placed on the site only by registered users on a voluntary basis independently. The administration has no relation to advertisers and their activities on the site.

We check some information from advertisers, but we do not guarantee 100% safe content (free content photos). The site may publish images and any other data of an erotic nature intended only for adults. Please leave this site immediately if you are under 18 years of age. The administration of this site does not bear any responsibility for the consequences that may occur for you after visiting it.

Contact with advertisers

The advertisements contain contact information, using which you can ask the advertiser all your questions.

If you find fictitious or offensive information, please write to us immediately by email or fill out the feedback form. The information will be promptly checked and deleted.

Please note that copying and reproduction of information in any form is permitted only with the consent of the authors of the advertisements.

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